

faried nawaz |


One day a couple of weeks ago, a colleague and I were discussing a student. They said, I think I had that student in class a few semesters ago, but I can’t find the semester with his grade.”

My first thought was, “I would just use grep to…”. Then I remembered that my colleagues all use Excel for their grades.

Taking Plain Text Seriously Enough

it’s 2022, people! i shouldn’t have to remind you of after two years of work from home!

i am at the office today to sign some papers. there was a fire at a shopping mall close to my usual coffee place last night. i cannot get #coffee delivered to me.

my two options: some random nespresso pod or mcdonalds coffee (not mccafe).

@mdhughes this is all i can find of that phrase on google:

@stux you might enjoy:

it's a lecture from a computer security course, on cryptocurrency.

my life is committed to the elimination of parasites

This is part of the story of how the internet changed my life for the better. I’m an early millennial and I was raised online. Through the internet, I found friends, support, and the human connection that I was lacking in real life. I also found valuable information that helped me help myself and sometimes help others. The key with information is always to effectively filter the good from the bad, which is a genuine life skill unto itself. My life today isn’t perfect, but it’s better than it’s ever been. My message to all the people out there who are struggling is to believe in yourself. If you help yourself and you let others help you, things are never hopeless.

The Internet Changed My Life

what is duolingo trying to teach me?
duolingo lesson in arabic.  phrase is "my mother does not love me."

Computer Scientist Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty:

Is it wrong for a server at a restaurant to be exuberantly friendly, or even a little flirtatious, in the hope of receiving a bigger tip?  The December after I got my license, when my father had me drive around Orange County dropping off gift baskets at dozens of medical offices, not because he was overflowing with Christmas spirit, but in the hope that those offices would refer some patients to his practice in the year to come… was that wrong?  Or, closer to home: what about the teacher who, while inwardly grinding her teeth in frustration at a student’s obtuseness, remains outwardly cheerful and encour­aging?  Doesn’t a little inauthenticity actually make for a better experience at a restaurant, or at the office, or at school?  And what’s the alternative?  Like, you can’t expect that at a workplace of any significant size everyone is going to like one another, but you’ve got serious dysfunction if colleagues are treating each other with hostility.  Over the years, I’ve had many co‑workers I thought were genuinely awesome people, but I’ve also had some that I’ve kind of despised.  I don’t think the people in that latter group knew how I really felt about them, since I have tried to be friendly or at least civil to everyone I’ve worked with.  If they did know, they didn’t indicate it to me, which makes the same point via a different route. 

review of Ex Machina (has spoilers)

disregard cryptos
acquire /24s

Being useful to others isn’t always good for us.

@aza_leah I had not heard of pid namespaces before reading this article. I had seen pid 1 in docker containers, but nowhere else. what else are these namespaces used for?

the salad of despair

the salad of despair


it's how a lot of devs write code on it, though I don't think there is an official style guide.
