

faried nawaz |


@lain on a vacation

@nex3 murderbot could murder, but chooses not to

those glass panels on those tourist bridges... turns out they can blow away.

imagine plant-based O2

Laser Push is a puzzle game where the goal is to open the path to the exit by pushing laser blocks and directing the lasers into switches that open doors.


Subject: Stop Feeling Guilty About All the Books You Haven’t Read Yet

someone: the hubermang dude is p. straight forward egghead bro, he speaks to the topics based on peer reviewed studies that he knows of

me: do you trust peer reviewed studies?

me: i mean, i’ve seen peer reviewed software

internet jpeg sharer:


From the post:

Inspired by these projects, I decided to build my own Tcl interpreter over the weekend. My goals were:

  • Extreme minimalism. It should fit on an MCU with 16K of NAND.
  • It should be easy to extend by writing your own commands in C.
  • All parts should be isolated and should be easy to replace/customize.
  • Default implementation should prefer size over performance.
  • Lexer should tell when the end of the command is met so that we could read user input byte by byte and execute command only when it’s fully read.
  • All parts of the interpreter should be covered with tests.

You’re free to do whatever you want, outside of the 8 most productive hours of your day, in the healthiest years of your life.

@phooky 19 pages, can be borrowed at for an hour.

in a reddit post asking why db autoincrement starts at 1 and not 0, this comment stands out:

I’ve been in a handful of projects where people started at 1, ran out of space in positive numbers, and solved it by re-seeding their identity at -1, incrementing -1, or starting at the max negative number for their datatype and incrementing +1. Buys them time before they have to change the datatype, which is often a disruptive operation.

@dch i actually used رئيس at first which i knew was wrong. for that, you would’ve had to ask permission!

that’s one way to keep people from committing directly to the رئيسي branch

master branch? main branch?! no!

رئيسي branch!

@nex3 when it came out I was disappointed it wasn't more like smalltalk, given the people who worked on it in the early days. many of them have decamped to other projects outside google. (toit is interesting because I have a bunch of esp32 boards lying around, unused.)

these days, it seems that dart is only interesting to most of its userbase because of flutter.
