

faried nawaz |


Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly;
Man got to sit and wonder 'why, why, why?'

Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land;
Man got to tell himself he understand.

I want you to be successful, my friend.

zachtronics on how they designed the programming languages for their games (thread):

@mdhughes @amdt i can’t test right now, but xmodmap will probably work for that. maybe map keycode 44 to Return KP_Enter Return, if on a Mac.

@mdhughes @amdt X11 has XK_Return for enter or return (whatever the main key on the keyboard is labeled), and XK_KP_Enter for keypad enter. here’s a bug report where some software wrongly mapped enter/return/keypad enter to XK_KP_Enter.

The translation of the keycode for the Return key (which is labeled Enter or just with an arrow on some keyboards) would be XK_Return. The Enter key on the keypad, if any, would have the keysym XK_KP_Enter. — ancient xlib programming manual

@lain i learned elixir when i first stumbled across pleroma, but never got a chance to use it at work.

@lain ok, i tracked it down to :restrict_unauthenticated and will file the issue.

if my config has

config :pleroma, :restrict_unauthenticated,
  profiles: %{local: false, remote: true}

then /api/v1/pleroma/chats returns {"account": {}, ...} for remote chats, and {"account": {... a large dictionary ...}, ...} for local ones. this causes the frontend to not render the remote chat messages properly.

the bug is either in the User.visible_for code or in the “show.json” render function in MastodonAPI.AccountView; i’ll let whoever gets the issue figure it out.

@lain i did skim the issue tracker recently and didn’t see anyone else report it. i’ll see if i can figure it out first, maybe it’s a config issue on my end or something.

@lain does it even work across instances? it seems to let me start a conversation, but then it can’t load the other person’s details. i’ve got two chats with notifications i can’t dismiss. (2.0.50-2084-gf0d13fc3-develop, fe 1454d33e)

Screen Shot 2020-07-20 at 16.43.38.png

@maaz upload an avatar!

@maaz alas, no way to rename users:

but it’s not too late! open registration! create another account!

@maaz you could’ve picked a different username! like! or!!! anything!

@AbbieNormal I’m neither going to work for free nor ask anyone to.

@AbbieNormal I didn’t see any solution that is fair to everyone involved. do you have one?

@AbbieNormal right up to the point where it won’t do what you want or the company drops support for it.

@AbbieNormal with proprietary software, i cannot change it for myself. how does that make them even remotely comparable?

@AbbieNormal but there is copious evidence that shows that being able to contribute to free software does work. pretty much every single open source software in widespread use today got to where it is *because of user contributions.”

the fact that people can and do read the source code, and the license lets them make (and often distribute) changes, is a major advantage over proprietary software.

the fact that some open source maintainers are unwilling to accept some changes from users doesn’t distinguish the community from proprietary software vendors, either. proprietary software vendors are free to ignore user suggestions and requests, and often do. but the fact that everyone can make changes to free software makes it a plus, and there are countless examples of that.

if your major point here is that the documentation sucks, well, no one’s stopping you from writing your own intro guides. lots of free software out there relies on third-party documentation. how much time do you think linus torvalds spent writing HOWTO docs? and yet, their existence contributed to its success.

expecting the maintainers to anticipate all user issues and to do the work that will satisfy everyone is completely unrealistic. you won’t do it for anyone else for free, why would they do it for you?

@AbbieNormal when i can't find what i want in the docs, i read the source.

there's nothing preventing people from contributing to documentation for free software, something they usually can't do for proprietary software. if you can't look under the hood to see how it works, you're guessing.
