

"Androids: The Team That Built the Android Operating System" by Chet Haase:

> Android wanted to fix this problem with Android Market. They wanted a store that anyone could upload apps to. Michael Morrissey, who was leading the services team on Android, told Nick Sears his goal: “I want a fourteen-year-old kid sitting in Kansas to be able to write an app in the morning and upload it in the afternoon to Android Market and have it go out to sell to all the customers.”

The Right Leadership

Great teams benefit from great leadership, to help everyone gel and drive forward together. One aspect of that leadership was sheltering Android and running it like a startup inside the big mothership of Google. Another aspect was having decisions being made by a single person, not by a group of people.

San Mehat said, “Much like Apple, it really helped to have that visionary asshole type. The one person. Not a committee. Not five people. One person that was like, ‘This is the way I want it, and that’s the way it’s going to be and I don’t care.’

“Having a single person at the top making these decisions resulted in the team and the product continuing to move toward the goal. It was making a decision, even if it’s not the right one, but just a decision to move the ball forward. You can’t steer if you’re not moving.”