

@lain does it even work across instances? it seems to let me start a conversation, but then it can’t load the other person’s details. i’ve got two chats with notifications i can’t dismiss. (2.0.50-2084-gf0d13fc3-develop, fe 1454d33e)

Screen Shot 2020-07-20 at 16.43.38.png

@lain i did skim the issue tracker recently and didn’t see anyone else report it. i’ll see if i can figure it out first, maybe it’s a config issue on my end or something.

@lain ok, i tracked it down to :restrict_unauthenticated and will file the issue.

if my config has

config :pleroma, :restrict_unauthenticated,
  profiles: %{local: false, remote: true}

then /api/v1/pleroma/chats returns {"account": {}, ...} for remote chats, and {"account": {... a large dictionary ...}, ...} for local ones. this causes the frontend to not render the remote chat messages properly.

the bug is either in the User.visible_for code or in the “show.json” render function in MastodonAPI.AccountView; i’ll let whoever gets the issue figure it out.

@lain i learned elixir when i first stumbled across pleroma, but never got a chance to use it at work.